LPIN Awards Committee Announces the LPIN Awards Contests

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LPIN Awards Committee Announces the LPIN Awards Contests
« on: September 22, 2017, 07:36:41 AM »
LPIN Awards Committee Announces the LPIN Awards Contests

LPIN Awards will continue to coordinate COY, BOY & RBOY Awards Contests.

The Awards Committee registered lpinawards.com for future contests when cwmcawards.com was scheduled for termination.  LPIN Awards was chosen to organize the contests for several reasons.  The Awards Committee believes it is best to sever the CWMC Awards relationship and not revitalize it for the contests.  LPIN Awards is totally independent and doesn't have an alliance with any message board or forum.  Furthermore, the awards committee believes that the LPIN Awards name is not offensive to Courtesans which was an important concern, better defines the awards, and relates to Nevada's LPIN Statutes.

LPIN Awards Voter Registration opens September 1 and closes midnight December 31 PST. 
Nomination Period begins April 10 and ends midnight April 19 PST.
Preliminary Voting Round begins April 22 and ends midnight May 1 PDT.
Final Voting Round begins May 4 and ends midnight May 13 PDT.
LPIN Awards will be Presented at LPIN Awards Banquets on the third Friday in July.

It won't be necessary to email ballots since the automated HTML ballot casting system is operational. 
If voters are unable to cast their ballots, PM the LPIN Awards Committee handle or email vote@lpinawards.com for assistance.

Registered Voters must register as LPIN Awards forum members so they may communicate with LPIN Awards Committee members or the "LPIN Awards Committee" handle through PM.  NOTE: LPIN Awards forum registration is separate from voter registration.

LPIN Awards Announcements

The Awards Committee would like to acknowledge Courtesan of the Year Rachel Varga for donating a very generous gift of professional web developer custom services to construct our LPIN Awards website to our specifications.  The Awards Committee would not have been able to coordinate a first-rate contest without Rachel's contribution.  Rachel is owed a great debt of gratitude for her benevolence and generosity.

Thank you,
LPIN Awards Committee
Armond, Firefighter, Little Richard, MIG949 & MrTShirt