Official Rules for LPIN 2016 Awards

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Official Rules for LPIN 2016 Awards
« on: August 27, 2017, 10:38:55 AM »
Official Rules for LPIN 2016 Awards

Herein stated are the Official Rules for LPIN 2016 registration, nominations and voting for Award Year 2016.

I. a) Three elected awards will be presented for 2016 which covers the period January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.

b) Courtesan of the Year (COY) - Courtesans must have been active in LPIN during a portion of the calendar year 2016 to be eligible for Courtesan of the Year nomination.  If a Lady has previously won COY, she is ineligible regardless of her working name.

c) Brothel of the Year (BOY) and Rural Brothel of the Year (RBOY) - Brothels must have been in operation during a portion of the calendar year 2016 to be eligible for Brothel of the Year or Rural Brothel of the Year nominations. 

d) The Brothel of the Year and Rural Brothel of the Year classifications will be based on a 50 mile radius from Main and Fremont Streets in Las Vegas, and 1st and Virginia Streets in Reno.  All brothels located within 50 miles of one of these locations (straight-line measurement) will be in the Brothel of the Year category.  All others will be in the Rural Brothel of the Year category.

II. a) The Registration Period begins October 1, 2016 and ends midnight December 31, 2016 PST. 

b) The Nomination Period begins February 1, 2017 and ends midnight February 28, 2017 PST.

c) The Preliminary Voting Round begins March 4, 2017 and ends midnight March 31, 2017 PDT.

d) The Final Voting Round begins April 4, 2017 and ends midnight April 30, 2017 PDT.

III. a) LPIN 2016 Awards Registered Voters must be registered Cyber Mongers SIN Forum members with at least one post. 

b) It is hereby stipulated that Monger clients or actual brothel patrons that visit brothels and party be the persons to cast ballots in the nominations and voting rounds.  Therefore, currently contracted Courtesans, brothel management and employees shall be precluded from registering to vote and casting ballots in LPIN Awards contests.     

c) Voter registrants must have met in person at least one Verifier (Designated Verifier or Awards Committee Member) to qualify.  Prospective registrants that haven't met any Verifiers but have met other Registered Voters instead are encouraged to submit their Voter Registration Forms including references for LPIN Awards Committee evaluation on an individual basis. 

d) Voter Registrants' Verifier references must confirm that they have met the registrant in person before they will be added to the LPIN 2016 Registered Voters List subject to LPIN Awards Team approval.

e) Prospective voter registrants that wish to be added to the LPIN 2016 Awards Registered Voters List must submit a Voter Registration Form during the registration period.  Voter registrants must provide their Cyber Monger's SIN Forum handle, email address, and the handles of Verifier references that have met them in person. 

IV. a) LPIN 2015 registered voters who still meet the registration requirements will remain on the registered voters list and do not need to reregister.  It's recommended LPIN 2015 registered voters check the Official Registered Voters List for LPIN 2016 Awards to make certain their voter handle is still registered.     

b) Voters whose handles have been removed from the LPIN Awards Registered Voters List must reregister during the registration period.  Voters that fail to cast a ballot in the last two LPIN contests will be removed from the following year's Registered Voters List.  Cyber Mongers SIN Forum members that are removed from the membership list at any time may be removed from the LPIN Awards Registered Voters List.   

c) A Registered Voter email address change may be requested by sending a PM to the Cyber Mongers SIN Forum LPIN Awards Committee handle or by email to  Voters must include their handle, old email address and new email address, and the committee will process the change. 

V. a) Voters must enter their handle and registered email address when casting ballots for their selected candidates.  Therefore, it's imperative to record the precise handle and email address submitted for registration purposes, since it must be provided in nominating and voting rounds.  The LPIN Awards Committee will not provide voters with registration information under any circumstances, since it's the voters' responsibility to retain it.  Voters that can't remember their registration information must reregister the following year. 

b) Voters will be allowed to submit only one nomination or one vote in each round of the contest for each of the three categories.  Each person is allowed only one ballot in each of the three nominating and voting rounds.  A voter will not be allowed to change their vote once it has been submitted and accepted.  Only the first valid ballot in a given round will be accepted by that handle with follow-up ballots being ignored.

c) Any nomination or vote submitted without the registered handle and email address will be declared invalid.  Those voters will not be contacted, and their ballot will not count.  However, a ballot rejection notation will be posted on the list of voters who participated in that round of the contest.  It is imperative that voters check the list of voters that participated in each round of the contest to confirm that their ballots were received and accepted.

VI. a) Individuals circumventing the rules (using multiple handles to vote or otherwise illegitimately casting ballots) shall be immediately stricken from the Registered Voters List. Their ballots shall be disqualified, and henceforth they shall be prohibited from participating in LPIN Awards contests.

VII. a) The top five candidates in each category from the Preliminary Voting Round will proceed to the Final Voting Round.

b) In case of a tie for fifth place in any category at the end of the Preliminary Voting Round, the tie will be broken in favor of the candidate receiving the earliest vote involved in the tie according to the date and time stamped ballot.

c) In case of a tie for first place in any category at the end of the Final Voting Round, the tie will be broken in favor of the candidate receiving the earliest vote involved in the tie according to the date and time stamped ballot.

d) The COY, BOY & RBOY Winners shall be announced at the LPIN Awards Banquet to be held on Friday July 21, 2017. 

VIII. a) There shall be absolutely NO PHOTOGRAPHY allowed inside the banquet hall except by the official LPIN photographers.  Violators will be banned from participation in future LPIN elections and banquets. 

IX. a) The LPIN 2016 Awards Committee will address unforeseen circumstances that arise and provide a resolution by a majority vote of the LPIN Awards Team. 

X. a) The List of Verifiers shall be composed of the LPIN Awards Committee Members and Designated Verifiers.  All Verifiers must be currently active Cyber Mongers SIN Forum members and LPIN Awards Registered Voters.

b) Designated Verifiers
Dr. Who, Hiking Guy, Interested Bystander, KC, Rick James (RJ), SixT9er & Slednx

c) LPIN 2016 Awards Committee
Firefighter, Highdrive, Lecher, Little Richard, Mikey & MrTShirt