Dex's Newbies Guide

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Dex's Newbies Guide
« on: April 13, 2018, 10:27:34 AM »
Dex's Newbies Guide

The game is simple: The ladies are there to sell a service and make a decent living in the process.  Customers are there to purchase said service and have a good time in the process.  Clients have a budget to work within, and Courtesans have a certain amount they need to make a decent living.  So the art of negotiation is going to happen that is acceptable to both parties.  For the most part clients cannot control how much expendable income they have on a given vacation.  Unless they are a politician that sets their own salary or independently wealthy most clients have a limit.  Everyone's limit is different and therefore the range of what people spend on a party is very drastic. 

1. NOTHING in this world is free.  NEVER forget that rule.

2. REASONABLE offers are not going to be refused.  Are you going to get a Benz for the price of a Pinto?  No, of course not, so do not expect to get an overnighter for the price of quickie.  In other words use common sense when deciding what to ask for within the budget you have.

3. There are certain things you can do to help maximize how far your dollar goes.  We shall discuss that next.

Some of these rules are going to seem silly, but trust me, I have seen what happens when people do not do this and it is not pretty.  Some folks need to be told these things which is sad.  So for those that read this and say, I KNEW that, believe me, some people do not.

Nothing will get you further than being nice, fun, and approachable.  Most of the ladies are young and enjoy a good time, so show them one.  This is one place where a nice guy (or girl) can finish first.  Here is an example: During my first trip to Nevada I spent a lot of time at Mustang Ranch.  I heard a few of the girls talking about craving an In-N-Out Burger.  Because in some parts of the state ladies are not able to leave the house while working so they cannot go get one.  So, one day, I bought twenty of them and took them out to the house for the girls.  It did not cost me much or take up a lot of time and they appreciated the gesture.  You are in the Wild Horse Saloon so offer to buy a drink for the lady.  Enjoy some conversation, treat her like you would a date.  You are far more likely to get the so often coveted girlfriend experience in her bedroom if you provided a boyfriend experience in the bar.  It is human nature folks.

Dousing yourself in cologne in lieu of bathing does not count.  Get intimate with a razor, toothbrush and mouthwash.  Oh, and when bathing, that wash cloth is for you to scrub your body with preferably anti-bacterial soap, all the crevices, cracks, and pink places.  Then, use an anti-perspirant and only a light amount cologne.  Think about what you want to do with her, and make sure she does not mind doing it.  If you have a beard, make sure it is trimmed and presentable.  I also use shampoo and conditioner on my goatee to keep it soft but that is just me.  One thing I do as well, I usually carry what I affectionately call my trick kit with me.  It is a small bag of toiletries, lubricants, Viagra and condoms in the event that I need to freshen up or if I need supplies.  Never hurts to be prepared.

The girls see a lot of clients and the Wild Horse Saloon gets busy, but they will get to you.  You need to calm down and relax.  If you drink an alcoholic beverage (liquid courage) use it in moderation, but DO NOT become intoxicated.  The term Liquid Courage is a misnomer!  Many Courtesans limit their alcohol intake, so it is advisable to follow their lead since most women do not want to make love to a drunk.

Do you know anybody that wants to have sex with a boring or obnoxious person?  No?  Neither do I.

Even if the girl talking to you is not your type and you have no intention of partying with her, it does not hurt to talk.  If she asks you to go back, just politely say actually I do not think I am ready yet, but thank you for offering.  Remember, the girls talk.  If you decide to be a jerk to one of them because you think she was too pushy or not my type or whatever, the other ladies do not hear your side of it.  They hear that you were an ass.  This extends to the staff as well.  If you are impolite you may be assessed an a$$hole tax.

If at all possible, drive yourself.  I am going to leave it at that and simply remind you that nothing in this world is free.  The LIMO driver must be paid and that amount comes out of the negotiated party price.

Ok, so now you got the basics down and you know how to maximize your money.  You have driven out and walked in, so NOW WHAT?  Read on!

At most places, you have the choice of picking a girl in two different ways, a line up or in the bar.  I have done both and will now describe the process of each.

In most houses, the line up starts with you sitting on the couch in the parlor and the shift manager, hostess or madam explains the process I am about to outline.  They will tell the ladies to come out and the girls will enter and stand in a line facing you on the couch.  One by one they will introduce themselves.  When they are finished, the hostess will ask you which lady you would like to talk to and you will point her out.  The shift manager will put you with that girl and dismiss the rest of the ladies.  Your lady will then walk you to the negotiation room.  If for whatever reason negotiations do not work out, the lady will walk you back to the bar where you are free to meet another Courtesan.  If you want a tour the girl gives you a tour where she determines if you are just looking for a tour at that moment or you are ready to party.  There is NO PRESSURE on the tour but tips are appreciated.  A Courtesan gave me my tour the first time I was at the Mustang Ranch and she could not have been any more laid back.

The line up is loved by some, but avoided by others.  I am not a fan of it personally, because I need to feel like I know the girl before I can have sex with her.  That is just me.  I cannot just get it up on a whim because the girl with me is hot.  I like to make sure I click with the girl (make a connection or establish romantic chemistry), and you just do not know from a line-up if that is going to happen since you only see the pretty package.  The line up is also very intimidating because all the ladies are looking right at you and you have to make a decision.

Still, the line up does possess certain advantages in that all the ladies in a brothel on that shift that are not currently in a party will be available for you to pick, whereas in the bar the lady might be otherwise engaged with someone and unavailable to you.  Since I go for extended stays, this is never a problem for me as sooner or later the girl I would like to talk to will be available.  If a specific lady is not sitting in the bar you can ask the madam, hostess or bartender if she is available.

One word of advice:  Do not try to remember all the girls' names.  You cannot do it.  Find the one you think to be the most desirable and want to pick and remember HER name.  That way, you can ask for her by name instead of the awkward point and describe because I do not know her name method employed by those that did not bother to read this post.

The Wild Horse Saloon is just that, a bar.  It is a social environment where you can have a few cocktails and meet some new people.  The Wild Horse Saloon is a local's favorite and the prices are very reasonable.  You may build a connection or romantic chemistry may blossom during your conversation and decide this is the lady for you.  For a wall flower, the bar can be a bit tough, but if you are at least friendly, the girls will approach you.  If you are shy, I do suggest telling a lady that when she comes up to you.  This way, she does not think you are being rude or ignoring her.  Trust me, and I will repeat this several times, honesty is your best policy in a brothel.

If you find a girl you like and click, ask her if she would be interested in going to a negotiation room to talk.  Notice how I said that.  Do not assume she wants to go anywhere with you.  Do not mistakenly assume it is her job to take you anywhere.  She is not a slave, she has a choice, so be a gentleman and give her that choice.  Chances are if you have been the nice, charming guy that I have mentioned, she may want to go to a negotiation room with you.

So by either line up or bar, you have met your lady and begun the short walk to a negotiation room.  Once there, the respectful negotiation begins.

First, let me remind you that the rules do not end here.  In other words, you should still be nice and charming and all those things.  Do not put on a poker face and be an ass because you are talking about money now.  Always maintain a friendly demeanor and make her comfortable.  Most women enjoy a respectfully flirtatious and romantic man who makes her laugh.  Women do not like abusive men so it is a good idea to never display anger; after all, you are there to make love, not fight.  There are a lot of ways to negotiate.  All I can do is tell you my way of doing things.

It is illegal for a lady to quote you a price over the Internet.  The only place she can do that is back in a negotiation room, Period.  Exact amounts of money are also a rather taboo subject online, even giving a range is frowned upon.  The reality is do not expect a Courtesan to quote you a price.  And even if they do, there are so many factors that control price it is hard to say if you could get it or not.  I will not quote a Courtesan a price but I will say this, I am not a whale, I am not independently wealthy, nor do I make gobs of money.  Once a year I plan trips that I save for, and then I go out and have a good time.  The point I am making is that I have been able to have a really good time over the years, and I am not a high roller.  You can spend $$$, $$$$, or $$$$$ depending on what you are asking for and your attitude.

The ladies are independent contractors and set their own rates.  Most brothels do have a house minimum too.

What controls the price you get quoted is made up of a lot of factors
Which menu items you request.
Party duration or time limit.
Which Courtesan you choose.
How the Courtesan happens to feel that day.
The amount of traffic through the door.
Your attitude.
Your hygiene and general appearance.
How you treat her.
And a whole host of other factors.

There is no rhyme, reason, or explanation to it.  Do not expect to find a price list.  Do not expect to understand why one lady is willing to do it for $$$ while the other refuses to do it for less than $$$$.

Negotiations often get tricky because you and the lady are trying to juggle both price and activity.  I do not do that.  I tell the lady what I want, and what I have to spend.  I always give her my maximum number that I am willing and able to spend.  I do not low ball her on price.  Again, honesty is king.  I say to her: I am not a high-roller, I will tell you that now.  This is what I have to spend, and this is what I would like to do.  Is that something we can do?

By doing this, money is no longer the object.  It is now an issue of what you can get for that amount.  If she can meet the number, she will.  If she cannot, she may suggest something else you could do with that amount.  I have only been price walked one time in all honesty, I admit to low balling that girl a bit only because I had not intended on partying with her and she insisted on negotiating anyway.  In the rest of my party experiences, my offer has been answered with ok, sounds good, let us get the money and check you (DC).
When you get that sign, count out the money and give it to her.  I like cash, but most places do take plastic.

After you give her the money, she will want to check your package to make sure you do not have any obvious signs of disease.  These things would include open sores, seepage, puss, or various other signs of infection.  Trust me, the process is quick and painless and not quite as awkward as you would think it would be.  One thing I have noticed about this is the girls I have been with tend to compliment the fact that I do a little manscaping.  In other words, shave or trim your pubic hairs, she does not want hair in her mouth any more than you do.

After the dick check is complete she will walk you a few feet to the cashier to book the party with the house.  It takes only a very few minutes. Then she will walk you to her room or whatever specialty room you chose in negotiations; your party begins and you have the time of your life.

1. Condoms are mandatory!

2. There are usually intercoms in the negotiation rooms so be tactful.  ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ask a girl what her rules are in the negotiation room.  Do not assume she is cool with everything.  As a general rule, most ladies would rather you do not perform oral on them, do not kiss, and keep your fingers outside her body.  But again, do not assume.  I usually ask during negotiations.  This way, if I hear something I do not like, I can bail.